about me
Hi dear,
I am Luna, founder of 'the gentle moon'. A thoughtful feeler and an experience-seeking traveler. As a child I felt like I didn't belong anywhere, that resulted in me fleeing in daydreaming, spending hours in my safe bedroom and numbing the pain and sadness I was feeling. I had a strong belief that there was no place for me, that I shouldn't be here.
What I missed was a feeling of warmth and safety, a deep connection with oneself and the people around me. After years of seeing psychologists and psychiatrists to "cure" my depression and anxiety, I finally discovered the healing benefits of yoga during the pandemic. I stepped onto my mat with a clear intention, ending the practice with tears streaming down my face. Tears of release, from the darkness that was still so deeply stored in my body. I experienced that yoga could heal all layers of my being.
Yoga was the catalyst of a journey within. One of more peace of mind. One of more kindness and compassion. Always unraveling layer by layer, slowly discovering my soul. And there is even so much more to discover.
In the Summer of 2022 I spent four months traveling South East Asia, where I did a yoga teacher training. Emerging in different cultures taught me that there are other ways of living. Ones of more simplicity and slowness. It started the process of searching for how I want to colour my life.
the birth of 'the gentle moon'
- a story of transformation -
As some of you may know I started moonchild after I ended my yoga teacher training in June 2022. moonchild derived from the idea to create a safe space to arrive and be as you are. A space inviting you to look inside and connect with your being in its wholeness. With gentleness and curiosity. moonchild took you on the healing journey of yoga, touching your unique essence and embracing your authenticity.
But a rebirth was on the horizon.
The beginning of 2024 pushed me into the darker spaces, confronting me with the way I was living. The start of a transformation arose. One of releasing old limiting beliefs and deep-rooted patterns. Especially in my private life a lot happened in a short time. Flooded by huge waves of emotion, I felt devastated and unmotivated. For a while I lost the connection with my heart, body and the beautiful community I already created online and around me. But hope was always there, telling me that it was all for the better.
With fear next to me I chose to let go of a lovely home, a warm relationship and ... my little ‘moonchild’. Change was needed, in all aspects of life. In Winter, a season marked by turning inwards and cocooning, I found my truth. What I realised and - more important - experienced, is that in the hustle and turmoil that life can be, rest is what we most long for. Right?
I felt an undeniable craving. An intense longing for more slowness to move mindfully again. An intense longing for more softness to melt the rigidity again. An intense longing for more stillness to meet the inner and outer again.
Arising out of this desire I heard my calling clear: practicing and spreading simple rest.
And so 'the gentle moon' was born.
our mission
At the core of our mission lies the powerful concept of rest. With the massive overload of stimuli, stress and pressure daily life can bring, we sometimes forget our emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.
Our purpose and promise is to simply invite rest back into all corners of our being. By prioritizing rest we strive to be a place where a simple and slower paced lifestyle is at home.
'the importance of rest'
our values
We believe that simple rest can be felt when implementing our three most important values: slowness, softness and stillness.
We aim to share these principles with you from an authentic and honest way. With clarity and low approach we hope to support you on your way to a more restful life.
in slowness
we move
in softness
we melt
in stillness
we meet
join our gentle haven
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