Our third value is stillness. I remember myself as a young girl most of the time fleeing from what was inside. I looked for ways just to avoid dwelling on the pain that lurked inside me. I partied twice a week, kept busy with a hundred thousand things, spent hours scrolling brainless on my phone and even subconsciously the little nervous tics like nail biting and shaking my leg kept me from having to face the discomfort I felt. For years, I was incredibly afraid to go to sleep. For I knew that I would then face the darkness and silence of the night and thus of my thoughts. And even though crashing a party, watching all the newest tv series and listening to music all day long can be very fun, it did not really help me any further. After all this time - without any progress apparently -I decided to do things differently and found the power of stillness. And I can assure you that, yes, it was extremely intense but so so necessary.
In the fast-paced, modern world we inhabit, it's easy to get swept away by the constant whirlwind of activity. From the moment we wake up to the time we finally lay our heads down at night, our days are often filled to the brim with tasks, responsibilities, and distractions. In the midst of this hustle and bustle, however, lies a profound necessity that often goes overlooked: stillness.
By integrating stillness we allow ourselves to enter a state of inner calm and tranquility, reconnecting us with ourselves. It is in moments of quiet reflection that we can truly find peace. When noise, activity and entertainment are absent, our minds and thoughts come more into the spotlight, which can be super scary. By observing and quieting the noise of our thoughts - but not pushing them away - and focusing on the present moment, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace. Moments of stillness provide us with the opportunity to step back, to gain insight on our thinking and behavioral patterns and see the bigger picture again.
A wise man, Swami Vivekananda, once said: "We can't see the bottom of the lake when its surface is covered with ripples. It's only possible for us to catch a glimpse of the bottom when the ripples have subsided, and the water is calm. That bottom of the lake is our own True Self, the lake is the mind, and the waves are the fluctuations."
It is precisely in the midst of life's chaos that stillness becomes most valuable. So, let us embrace the quietude as an invitation to live a more fulfilled and authentic life.
I have been searching for ways to make life more still and I am happy to share them with you. Out of the heart of my own experience and gained wisdom. With 'the gentle moon' I am offering various practices, allowing you to incorporate more stillness into your daily life. So stick with us and discover the profound beauty that lies in the gentle power of doing nothing.
With gentle kindness,
Photographer: Chadia Guerti
Surrounding: Kalmthoutse Heide - Belgium